Mindful Neurocognitive Development through Intensive Training

MiND.IT™ Program in Main Line Area

What is MiND.IT™?

MiND.IT™ is a research-based training program specifically designed to help children improve executive dysfunction, including difficulties with attention, concentration,  anxiety, and self-regulation.  

MiND.IT™ integrates the empirical evidence of a variety of established interventions,  including the cognitive benefits of mindfulness training. Once trained, mindfulness relies  on the practice of this awareness in the present with increased reflection on mood and  reaction. MiND.IT™ is not a therapeutic program, it is educational in nature and does not  substitute for counseling or therapy.

Cute little blond white boy enjoy and having fun with multicolored hammock in backyard or outdoor playground. Summer outdoors active leisure for kids. Child relaxing and swinging in hammock., MIND.IT program, Wayne, PA
Black boy wearing white shirt smiling and looking aside, MIND.IT program, Wayne, PA

What is mindfulness and how is it related to emotion regulation?

Mindfulness can enhance students’ capacities in self-regulation of attention and  emotions, and buffer the developing brain from the harmful effects of excessive stress.  Training emotional regulation begins by training the student to become more aware,  identify emotional reactions or responses, and manage their responses.

Why is emotion regulation important?

Emotion regulation skills are developmental in nature and continue through adulthood.  These skills are critical to mental health, academic achievement, and good social  relationships.  

Emotional dysregulation has been linked mood disorders, attentional regulation, anxiety  disorders, acting out, behavioral dyscontrol, substance abuse, etc. 

Young child, laptop and learning with online education and schoo, MIND. IT, Wayne, PA
Girl sleeping on rug in living room, MIND.IT program, Wayne, PA

Research from Neuroscience

Research on mindfulness for children and teens suggests various positive effects on  physical and mental health, behavior, and performance  

Evidence-based research shows increased resilience and more optimal brain function.  Due to the brain’s neuroplastic nature individuals can actively change their brain  structures in ways that promote attention, awareness, and self-regulation.  

MiND.IT™ is available individually in this office. Courses are for one hour and run for 12  weeks with a fee of $2400.


Neuropsychological Evaluations

​Neuropsychological evaluations blend the knowledge of school psychology, neuropsychology, clinical psychology, and pedagogy to better understand the nature, diagnosis, and treatment of learning difficulties. A neuropsychological evaluation includes all of the testing included in a psychoeducational evaluation with additional testing to measure areas of attention, executive functioning, language, visual spatial, and memory. A neuropsychological evaluation is often requested due to the comprehensive nature of the evaluation, the level of expertise involved, and the broad areas covered.

Recommendations are typically focused on remediation, accommodations, or a combination of both. They also are directed at encouraging the child to become engaged with tasks and a fully active participant in the classroom. The evaluation is to help the parents and child understand the profile of the child based on the specific strengths and weaknesses and the impact they have on functioning. ​It is usually helpful to tell children that you are interested in finding out the best way he or she learns to help the teachers know how to teach the student.

Contact the office to determine if an evaluation is deemed appropriate. If so, the child will be scheduled, with appointment confirmed via email. After approximately two weeks after the final information source (i.e.: rating scales, observation, etc.) is received, an extended feedback session with the parents is conducted. The report is typically given after the meeting.