Dr. Karen Kelly is the director of NECCA, a distinguished neuropsychological and educational clinic that has been fully dedicated to providing comprehensive support to children facing various cognitive or learning challenges. Dr. Kelly is a pediatric neuropsychologist and certified school psychologist who has advanced training in how the brain impacts development and learning.  

She did her predoctoral fellowship training at Primary Children’s Hospital in Salt Lake City, UT and postdoctoral fellowship training at Nemours/Dupont Hospital for Children. In addition, Dr. Kelly worked for over 6 years at Nemours/duPont Hospital for Children working with children with traumatic brain injury and neurodevelopmental disorders.

She has also been a special education teacher for 15 years and therefore has full exposure to the educational, clinical, and medical aspects of neurocognitive functioning. Dr. Kelly has over 25 years consulting with pediatricians, psychiatrists, neurologists, teachers, and other professionals. Dr. Kelly is also the author of the book The Power of Visual Imagery, A Reading Comprehension Program for Students with Reading Difficulties.

Dr. Kelly’s expertise has been a game-changer for our family…Her knowledge of testing children with a learning difference to pinpointing areas for remediation without overwhelming you is second to none.        



Dr. Karen Kelly is the director of NECCA, a distinguished neuropsychological and educational clinic that has been fully dedicated to providing comprehensive support to children facing various cognitive or learning challenges. Dr. Kelly is a pediatric neuropsychologist and certified school psychologist who has advanced training in how the brain impacts development and learning.  

She did her predoctoral fellowship training at Primary Children’s Hospital in Salt Lake City, UT and postdoctoral fellowship training at Nemours/Dupont Hospital for Children. In addition, Dr. Kelly worked for over 6 years at Nemours/duPont Hospital for Children working with children with traumatic brain injury and neurodevelopmental disorders.

She has also been a special education teacher for 15 years and therefore has full exposure to the educational, clinical, and medical aspects of neurocognitive functioning. Dr. Kelly has over 25 years consulting with pediatricians, psychiatrists, neurologists, teachers, and other professionals. Dr. Kelly is also the author of the book The Power of Visual Imagery, A Reading Comprehension Program for Students with Reading Difficulties.

Dr. Kelly’s expertise has been a game-changer for our family…Her knowledge of testing children with a learning difference to pinpointing areas for remediation without overwhelming you is second to none.  -Parent


Dr. Karen Kelly is the director of NECCA, a distinguished neuropsychological and educational clinic that has been fully dedicated to providing comprehensive support to children facing various cognitive or learning challenges. Dr. Kelly is a pediatric neuropsychologist and certified school psychologist who has advanced training in how the brain impacts development and learning.  She did her predoctoral fellowship training at Primary Children’s Hospital in Salt Lake City, UT and postdoctoral fellowship training at Nemours/Dupont Hospital for Children. In addition, Dr. Kelly worked for over 6 years at Nemours/duPont Hospital for Children working with children with traumatic brain injury and neurodevelopmental disorders. She has also been a special education teacher for 15 years and therefore has full exposure to the educational, clinical, and medical aspects of neurocognitive functioning. Dr. Kelly has over 25 years consulting with pediatricians, psychiatrists, neurologists, teachers, and other professionals.

About Neuropsychological Evaluations

Neuropsychological evaluations can be important in the care and treatment of children with any concerns in overall functioning both in and out of school.  Difficulties could be related to developmental concerns, brain injury, concussion, medical disease, or from unknown causes.  Pediatric neuropsychologists help parents, teachers, and physicians to:
  • Understand how problems with the brain may relate to problems seen at school, home, or with peers
  • Understand how a child learns best
  • Understand why a child may have behavior problems
  • Help a child deal with thinking or behavior problems
  • Identify neurological or psychiatric problems
  • Help match expectations to a child’s specific strengths and weaknesses
  • Work with other doctors and teachers to develop the best treatment and school plan for a child

What Does a Neuropsychological Evaluation Involve?

A neuropsychological evaluation involves examining thinking, behavior, and social-emotional functioning. The evaluation uses standardized tests and procedures. Examiners work directly with your child. They also talk to you and teachers and other doctors. Tests may be performed using paper and pencil or on the computer. Your child will be asked many questions and to solve different types of problems.. Neuropsychological valuations typically include tests that measure the following:

  • Intelligence (IQ)
  • Problem solving
  • Planning and organization
  • Attention and memory
  • Processing speed
  • Language
  • Academic skills
  • Visual perception
  • Control over hand movements
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Aggression and impulsive behavior
  • Social skills

The neuropsychologist will also review your child’s medical and school records to help understand how the test results relate to daily life.

Dr. Karen Kelly, The Neuropsychology & Education Clinic for Children and Adolescents, based in Wayne, PA

Dr. Karen Kelly, Certified School Psychologist

How Does a Neuropsychological Evaluation Differ From a School Evaluation?

Pediatric neuropsychologists and school psychologists often utilize similar tests. However, school evaluations primarily aim to determine whether a child is eligible for special education and determination of eligibility categoreis. On the other hand, pediatric neuropsychologists focus on uncovering reasons in why a  child is struggling across all areas of thinking, learning, and functioning.  difficulties either in school or at home. They achieve this by assessing not only academic skills but also all the neurocognitive abilities necessary for success both within and beyond the educational setting. Understanding a child’s specific cognitive strengths and weaknesses enables better-targeted school plans and medical interventions, while also shedding light on potential areas of future struggle. Additionally, due to their training in clinical psychology, neuropsychologists can also diagnose emotional issues such as depression and anxiety.