Evaluation Services and Fees

Step 1: Let's Get Started
To begin the process, please contact us to review your concerns about your child's need for an evaluation. If you leave a voicemail. rest assured that we will contact you to discuss whether testing is an option for your child.

Step 2: Confirmation
To begin the process, please contact us to review your concerns about your child's need for an evaluation. If you leave a voicemail. rest assured that we will contact you to discuss whether testing is an option for your child.

Step 3: In-Person Testing
The next step involves the in-person evaluation, which may take one to two days. This depends on length of evaluation, your child's age and developmental level, and whether you are traveling from another state.

Step 4: Insights and Recommendations
Approximately two weeks after the information has been gathered, we will meet to review the evaluation results and intervention plan. We will discuss how your child performed during the evaluation, review strengths and weaknesses, and review steps for recommendations to help your child become more successful. The report is typically provided at this meeting.

NECCA has various fee packages, dependent upon the evaluation conducted. The fees for other types of evaluations are based on the type of evaluation. The report is provided along with an itemized superbill that includes the necessary procedure and diagnostic codes for your records.